When did "living the dream" become some nightmare?? Too many people have lost sight of just living and being happy. You can find happiness just about anywhere if you look...riding down the road, windows down, radio up puts a smile on my face just about any time. .or watching my two seemingly argumentative-bound teenagers spending time just talking & laughing with each other warms my heart...or just a good laugh with a friend can make all the wrong decisions you've ever made seem worth it because you're in that moment where you understand what truly is important in this life....LOVE. Love comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors so we shouldn't limit the capacity with which we love nor should love have to remain within certain boundaries. Society leads us to believe that love has to be returned in order to be valid or expressed. BULLSHIT!!! Just because a person doesn't love you in the exact same way doesn't mean your love is any less. It simply means that it may not be returned in the same fashion that it was given but that should never be the point. We can't help who our hearts find worthy to speak to in this life...all we can do is listen to the conversation & hope we learn something - insightful!!! Sooo, don't be afraid to love & don't be afraid to tell those in your life that you love them...I would rather say it than regret someone never knowing!!!