She never quite believed in herself, because it seemed all the decisions she had made in life to this point were basically, well, for lack of any better words, very, very SHIT-TAY! Living with an addict will take more from you emotionally than the addict could ever steal from you physically. Lies were what she swallowed down every day, but the lies that she told herself were worse than any the addict could come up with (you’re not good enough, you’re not pretty enough, you’re not smart enough). She would smile and laugh to keep from crying. Then God stepped in...life changed and she was no longer living with an addict. She found herself alone raising two children. With little time to think about herself she continued to get up every day. She decided she had cried enough and sought help from a professional. She raised those two kids the best she knew how and learned so many things about herself along the way. She learned that it was a LACK of decision making that had held her in that place of torment for so long. She learned to trust herself, that she will not always be right and she will make mistakes but it’s in those mistakes that we find courage and strength. That she is worthy of spectacular moments in this life because God created her and loved her even before she was known to this world. She learned to believe in herself because she is capable of so much more than she even knows.
Fast forward to the girl on the right...she still worries too much at times what others think (but she’s starting to care less as she ages). She definitely loves herself, believes she can do anything she sets her mind to, and will continue striving to become better with each passing day!
If anyone is living like this girl on the left, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live that way any longer! You ARE worthy of love, respect and kindness. You can change your situation, you can change your life! All you have to do is make one decision to love yourself and the rest will fall into place. Let your happy come through!
#selflove #bekindtoyourself #youneverknowwhatyoucandotilyoudoit.