Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Step 1

 I've decided it is time to make a few changes to ME!  I want to live a stress-free and joyous life but I'm not sure how to get to that.  I'm not saying I want to be like some eccentric that lives on tofu and spouts off things like, "the flower is life and light to all"!  BUT, I do want to be a more gentle, more loving, more focused person without all the drama that others bring into my life.  I feel that all the drama is weighing me down and killing my spirit and I will not have anymore of it!  This is where in life I get to be selfish!!!!  YEAH!!  OK.  So, the first steps in reaching these goals are.....hmmmm.....ummmm hummmm........*crickets chirping*........hummmmm......consult google.....found an article "Take these 12 steps to a happier you". Let's try it, why not!  So....each week I'll work on a new point and let you know how it goes.  Then at the end of 3 months let's see if I am a happier person!  I like it!  I'm ready to start today! 

Step 1:  Show gratitude.  Each day think of three to five things you are grateful for and acknowledge one ungrateful thought and replace that with a grateful one.  Think of someone who has been important in your life and tell them in a letter. 

So, this week will be the week of gratitude!  I will update when I am done with this step and starting a new one.  Wish me luck and if you are a person in my everyday life - hold on to your big girl panties!

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