As I scroll through memory lane (aka my cell phone GALLERY), it only takes a few photos to draw my attention to a couple facts: 1) that the camera coming at me from my right is NOT a flattering angle, and 2) that it's all those little moments that we end up forgetting as life progresses.
Have you ever heard someone tell a story and when they recall a small minute detail they say, "I don't know why I remember that part"? It's because we usually forget all the smaller details of things like why we were there or what we were wearing in those tiny moments.
While scrolling through my "memory", I see pictures that remind me of all the every day moments that I often forget like the Male Mongrel trying on this absurd looking sleeveless jean jacket in Rugged Warehouse and the time he ate so much at Cracker Barrel that he almost didn't make it to the car...and the picture where I caught "Mega Moody" walking out of the Circle K on a random night or the many selfies she takes when my phone is left unattended....and the selfies I take with my favorite elderly lady (aka the Grammy), with the silly things she does to make me laugh... and the pic of Lauren De Taint-es holding up a plastic mustache straw while wearing a paper bandana around her head pretending to be Hulk Hogan, and her and James grilling burgers in the rain at her house warming party....and the video of a friend lip syncing a song just to make you smile...and the summer weekends spent at Carowinds with both the Mongrels and their friends or Saturday Nights at the drive-in watching a double feature out under the stars.... so many memories being held on a tiny disk. It's these pictures/videos that make up our lives...a flip book of times past. Things get chaotic and we forget that it's the day-to-day memories that mean the most because it involves the people that are there every single day. It includes the people we love, the ones we trust, the ones that drive us past crazy, and the ones we value and hold dear. Don't discount those little things that happen each day in your life. Grab hold of those memories and let them sink in deep because you never know which ones will end up being your favorites or which one will change the course of your journey in life.
Celebrate every single day, love beyond your capacity, be kind when all else fails, and forgive farther than reason allows.
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