Just like in any relationship, this present would require a little work so effort had to be given toward obtaining it. A weak work ethic in a person is an indicator that when things in life become difficult that you will likely be the only present party accounted for so be cautious of surrounding yourself with those people.
Because it can never be taken back once given away to someone, time is our most valuable commodity in life. It is a symbol of our love. With whom we share our time tells a story of where our hearts lie. Invest your precious time with those that are worthy of receiving your love and not those who disregard it or do not place value in yours.
Still, to this day, it remains the perfect present that I've never received because ultimately, to all the wrong people, it will always be a greater cost than they can afford. So make sure when giving your heart to someone, that they possess the qualities with which to reciprocate the same amount of time and effort that you are willing to give to them, even in something as small as a Christmas present.