Monday, January 23, 2017

Stop circling

As I sat in the bleachers of the high school wrestling match, I watched these two young men just circle around each other.  Neither one making a move toward the other. Each was waiting to see what the other was going to do first.  I thought to myself, why are they doing that?  Why wait on someone else to do something before you do what it is you want to do?  Just do something, right or wrong, just do SOMETHING!  Great men went for it in life.  Sometimes, the choice will turn out to be the wrong one but what if that choice; that decision to just go for it, is the catalyst with which your best life happens?  If it is the wrong one, chalk it up to a lesson learned and go for the next one.  We only get this one single life to live with no do overs when it’s done, so why go in circles waiting for your chance to get the one perfect move in when you could make so many surprising moves in the meantime?  Stop sidestepping the hard things and just do SOMETHING!  Whether your something ends up being a colossal mistake or the beginning of your true journey, you will inevitably know that you didn’t just circle greatness, but that you went for it.  That you spent your one life living and loving and moving forward.  The first step is always the scariest but exciting adventure awaits us all in this life as long as we are willing to step outside the safety our circle!  

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