Wednesday, February 13, 2019

"Absurd attachment"

It's officially been one year since you wagged your little tail into our lives, and who would have known then just how much I was going to need you in my life!  I do have what some would call, "an absurd attachment" to you, but there are many things that maybe they don't know because they weren't there to witness how this "attachment" came to be.....

The past year of my life has been filled with disappointment, heartbreak and loss.  Losing Grammy was the single hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my entire life (and keep in mind I raised the two Mongrels as a single mom, so I know difficult things when I encounter them). I  also, don't like to ask for help, so needless to say, I couldn't ask for any with my grief when it came to settle inside of me.  First, because I didn't even know how to deal with it myself and, second, I didn't want to burden anyone else with my sadness.  When things are painful and hurt down to my soul I have a tendency to withdraw into my own mind looking for a safe place to heal.  A refuge from the pain, a home for my heart to mend, somewhere I won't be judged for my thoughts.  So, off to this place of solace is where I had sent my grief in the hopes of it returning as a well behaved and reformed chum.  What I found in the process is that you cannot send grief away, it is carried within us and we slowly start to heal the brokenness by surrounding ourselves with those that silently grab a hold of it for you in the moments when it is too overbearing for you to hold alone, all without asking them to do so.  So, during my grieving time you were there...there to lay with me when all I wanted to do was cry my eyeballs out;  there when I got home and had been crying in the car during my "alone time" to remind me that I wasn't truly alone; there to focus my mind on something besides my sadness; there pushing me to get up and get moving because even though I felt like time stood still it truly wasn't being idle,  and I had to get back out and join life; there to make me laugh with your sometimes silly personality; and there at the end of the day with your unconditional love to share with me.

So, even though you run on all fours; eat my shoes when I'm not looking; bark at me to pick your toys up when you drop them off the couch; get jealous of everyone in the house; try to stop me from leaving the house without you; and have literally, shit down my vent; you my sweet girl, are my best friend and I absolutely love you bunches!  Happy first birthday!

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