Thursday, February 12, 2015

I need a minute

Sometimes, a Momma just needs a minute.  A minute to bitch and whine like a child, pitch a fit like a toddler or stomp her foot and walk away like a teenager.  A minute to express their level of pissed-off-ness without being judged by the general public for not being a “pulled together all the time” Mom.  A minute to just be tired of doing it alone ALL THE TIME and wallow in that loneliness.  A minute to be jealous of those moms that have that partner to help and listen and comfort them when it becomes too much to handle.  A minute to reflect on their own failed attempts at love and wonder, “How the hell am I supposed to give you relationship advice?  You have been present for the majority of my epic failures in picking out a significant other, correct?”  A minute for remembering how it felt to not worry about anyone other than themselves.  A quiet moment just to herself.  The minute has now faded and reality is standing there with their hands on their hips staring at her with complete disdain, “MOM, what’s for dinner????  Can you do a load of my laundry???? I need that in the morning for school!”  Ugh…I think I’m gonna need another minute!